Friday, December 31, 2010

Finally sectioned them out.

So I tried and failed at sectioning out my hair so I could really start locking it up. I got a friend to section it out for me tonight though. :) I brushed out the second two dreadlocks and re-sectioned them out. I think I counted 33 sections? I'm not positive though. I'll get a better count of them when we're done backcombing them. I left a bit of my bangs loose to keep some unlocked hair to play with. We'll see how that goes. But onto the sectioning pictures.

Hopefully the next post I make will have all my dreadlocks done. I can't wait. :)

Oh, I almost forgot. We got two new metal combs for my hair. My hair's too much a beast to use plastic. lol. So we'll see how these hold up. 

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I've got three dreadlocks done now.

I decided to do what I could with my poor little comb this morning. I only got two more done before it completely gave up on me. lol. So I have three dreadlocks at the nape of my neck. As I'm doing the dreadlocks I'm realizing just how damaged my hair is already. lol. The ends are sooo split. I have a crap ton of frizzies in the dreadlocks. But palmrolling helps with that.

This was just a quick update. Onto pictures of the little dreadlocks.

Oh before I go. This is what the comb looks like after three dreadlocks.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Did my first one. :)

I really wanted to get started on all of them tonight. But my boyfriend and I's third anniversary is tonight. His work check did not come in today so we're going out tomorrow. I really don't want crazy hair when we go out tomorrow so I just did one tonight and we'll really start tomorrow after we are done with anniversary festivities. :) So since I was going to start tonight I decided to at least do one lock tonight.

I washed my hair tonight with bar soap with no residue. I was apprehensive about it because I'm addicted to conditioner in my hair. But it didn't go bad. I was surprised at how easy it was to lather and rinse my hair. I also got a blowdryer for Christmas for when I get the locks. Made it super easy to dry my hair. :) I missed my old blowdryer.

I had a flea comb, unfortunately it was a plastic one. Apparently my hair...ruins plastic ones. I'm already missing quite a few teeth on the comb after ONE lock. Going to need to go get a metal one for tomorrow night.

These are right after I washed my hair with the non residue bar soap. It's right on my butt in length. The last time I cut my hair was when my daughter was 6 weeks old. She's 26 months now. I cut it to my shoulder blades then. Hopefully it keeps growing fast so I get long locks. Yay for vitamins. :)

These pictures are after I did one dread. (The only one I'm doing tonight.) I lost a lot of length, but it was hair from the nape of my neck so I'm not worried. I have lots of dead ends so I was expecting to lose quite bit. It was only about three or four inches.  I'm happy with that. It looks really....crazy right now. lol. I don't have a crochet hook to maintain the stray hairs, so it's really frizzy. Once I get them all done, I'm going to get a crochet hook and make them look a bit better. 

So...this is the beginning. I'll be posting a lot more on here now. We'll see how the journey goes. :)

(Also, the glass pendant I'm wearing. I got three of them for Christmas. They came on some crappy looking string, so I took some yarn and braided it together to make a necklace. Looks a lot better now. Hopefully they fit over my locks once they are done. lol

Thursday, December 23, 2010

ZOMG! It's so close now.

It's getting close to that time. I'm getting super excited. :) I've been playing with my hair this week. Since it's going to be the last real week I can really do my regular stuff with it. Brushing it out the other day reminded me why I want locks so bad. lol.

Also, I've decided that I want the people close to me in my life to each do a lock. So that'll be fun. I won't be able to get them all to do one, but some will. Including my best friend who I miss. She's down for a visit and I'm going to make her do one. :)

I'm trying to get my hair dyed before I start the locking process, but I miiiight have to do it afterwards. Which will be fun, but oh well. After I get it dyed all one color I really want to have random locks dyed different colors. OH, I already have ribbons to wrap around the unruly locks. :) I need to find some real lock beads, but I have a few that I can put on there and have fun with. I also now have a hat. :)

There's not much else to say. I'm gunna post some random pictures. lol. But I'll be keeping up with this more once I start the process. :)

I'm very guilty of doing the duckface when I'm bored and being silly.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Finally going to get them.

I've been wanting locks for a long time. About two years now, I'd say. At first when I really wanted to start getting them I was turned off by the idea of shaving my head if I ever decided to get rid of them. (I love my long hair way too much to do that.) After doing LOTS of research I found out with patience and conditioner I could get rid of the locks if I chose too. YES! That was the best bit of information I got. :)

I asked my boyfriend if he minded and he shot down the idea before I could even finish. :( So I just kept talking about it periodically hoping he'd change his mind. (I know it's my hair...but he has to live with me, so I'd want him to actually like it.) This past weekend he finally changed his mind. After talking to his brother about it he said I could do it. I was sooo excited.

So now I'm back in the researching steps. I want to make sure I do this right the first time so I don't have to comb them out and do it again. The only time I plan on combing them out is when I decide to get rid of them completely. I've decided on the backcombing and crocheting method after watching MANY MANY videos. I don't want to put anything in my hair that could ruin it, so I'm not. I'm going to wash with some bar soap. I haven't figured out which kind yet. So if anyone out there reading this could give me some recommendations I'd be very happy. :)

Let's see.... My hair is LOOOONG. It's down to my ass now. It's in long layers so some pieces are shorter than others. It's going to interesting to see the shrinkage that happens as the locks mature. I'm not going for really thick or really thin locks. And I want them to look a little messy. :) If you look at this Harriet's videos. ( You can see sorta the look I'm going for. I want mine like that, just not the thick ones. I love the messy look her's have. :) I'm probably going to section mine a little bit more too.

Hmm. I seem to have lost my train of thought so I'll leave this here. I'm not going to start the process till after Christmas so they'll be some random posts in here before then. I'll have a post later on with pictures on my hair now so everyone can see the before pictures.